A legal entity (company or individual entrepreneur) has the right to register foreign citizens in its staff after it registers with the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (former FMS). This process is called accreditation.
The need to hire foreign citizens to perform various jobs quite often arises among company owners, as well as individual entrepreneurs. With such an emerging need, you need to register with the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was previously the FMS.
This means that when a company decides to hire foreigners, it needs to register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an employer of citizens of foreign countries. This process is called "Accreditation of the employer in the Ministry of Internal Affairs."
You need to know not only how to correctly and quickly get full accreditation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an employer for foreigners, but also understand what kind of documents are required to register foreign workers with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
What is the accreditation of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Accreditation of an employer in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS). Such an entrepreneur or representative of a legal entity announces his plans to attract foreigners to work in his company, he invites employees from other countries.
When registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs is completed by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, he receives the right to hire foreigners who do not have a visa, legally invite employees from other countries to the Russian Federation, actively facilitating the issuance of a visa for their work activities in the country.
As a result of the successfully passed accreditation of the employer, an individual entrepreneur, company or organization is entered into the existing database of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation as an employer of migrants and employees from foreign countries.
Why do legal entities and individual entrepreneurs need accreditation at the Ministry of Internal Affairs
There are several reasons to register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an employer of migrants. These include:
- Plans to attract visa-free foreigners who work under a patent.
- Plans to recruit migrants with work visas and work permits. Such employees require an invitation to enter the Russian Federation.
- If a company is accredited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it has the right to register a foreigner at the address of the enterprise as the place of its registration, as well as help to issue a patent for a foreigner to work. Accordingly, the existing registration of the company with the Ministry of Internal Affairs allows it to legally accept employees and specialists from other countries, being a legal employer of migrants.
Does a company that is not registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to involve foreigners in its work?
Unfortunately, not a single company or individual entrepreneur that is not registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS) as an employer has the right to legally invite and employ citizens from foreign countries.
Only after registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the organization receives the right to cooperate with migrants.
How long does it take for an employer to be accredited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs
After all the documents are collected, prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the application for the employer's accreditation is considered for about three days.
It is quite possible to become a full-fledged, legal employer of foreign citizens three days after the company's application is approved.
The existing registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS) is required to be renewed annually. This means that the usual period of accreditation of a company or individual entrepreneur as an employer of foreigners is one year. A year later, you need to reapply.
How to register an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and obtain accreditation
A company that needs to register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS) as an employer of migrants must provide the necessary package of documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
This procedure must be taken very carefully, since the collection of documents for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is practically the only obligation of the employer in this case.
What documents are needed for accreditation at the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS)
Please note: the required package of documents required for registration of legal entities differs significantly from those documents that will be required by individual entrepreneurs.
Re-accreditation in a year
After 1 year has passed, the period for which accreditation is usually issued, it is necessary to issue re-accreditation. This is required if the employer plans to continue employing migrants.
To go through this procedure, the employer is required to provide the necessary package of documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This time, much fewer documents will be required for re-accreditation. These include: an information letter on a letterhead and a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which has a statute of limitations of no more than 2 months.
What will you get as a result?
Accreditation in the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (former FMS)